Includes the Terminal Bonus Map and Zombies in Spaceland Pack, contains a weapon camo, calling card, and a Fate and Fortune Card Pack!
Infinite Warfare delivers three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.
In Campaign, players play as Captain Reyes, a pilot turned Commander, who must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless, fanatical enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme environments of space.
Multiplayer combines a fluid momentum based...
Includes the Terminal Bonus Map and Zombies in Spaceland Pack, contains a weapon camo, calling card, and a Fate and Fortune Card Pack!
Infinite Warfare delivers three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.
In Campaign, players play as Captain Reyes, a pilot turned Commander, who must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless, fanatical enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme environments of space.
Multiplayer combines a fluid momentum based movement system, player focused map design, deep customization, and a brand new combat rig system to create an intense gameplay experience where every second counts. Combat Rigs (Rigs) are the ultimate combat systems. Each Rig is a cutting-edge, tactical combat suit worn by the player and is built for totally different styles of play. Players will also join one of four brand-new Mission Teams to unlock calling cards, camos, emblems, and weapons unique to that team.
In Zombies, go back in time to fight the undead in a 1980s amusement park, complete with a plethora of rides, an awesome arcade, and a funky, functioning rollercoaster. Embrace previously beloved aspects of the mode like easter eggs, power ups, and novel weapons while experiencing innovations like brand-new team mechanics, the After Life Arcade, and Fate and Fortune Cards.
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This is legit
Brilliant game I got when it first came out couldn’t stop playing it great story telling and emotional campaign in some parts bouns part is you get the original modern warfare remastered I know people hated this game but when you play it people’s can opinions can change I would highly recommend
Good Campaign
Great story
COD MWR: Il ritorno di un gigante, impeccabile, divertente e coinvolgente. Una rimasterizzazione coi fiocchi che ridà importanza a un gioco già di per se meraviglioso. Ottimizzazione ottima, FPS stabili anche su schede video e processori vecchi. Gran bel lavoro.
The return of a giant, flawless, fun and engaging. A slap-up remastering that gives importance to a game that is already wonderful in itself. Excellent optimization, stable FPS even on old video cards and processors. Good job.
COD IW: Gioco fin troppo rivoluzionario, che stravolge (in positivo) una serie di videogiochi basata su combattimenti moderni e non così futuristici. Possiamo definire COD IW come il passo più lungo della gamba, che spesso "sporca" la formula del gioco. Parlando della storia posso dire che è costituita da meno missioni rispetto agli altri COD, ma queste sono intense, lunghe e si ha spesso la libertà di scegliere quale fare e prima e quali trascurare. Il fatto di poter scegliere su che pianeta andare per primo (perchè si, il gioco è principalmente ambientato nello spazio) per portare avanti la storia è una cosa che mi intriga particolarmente, ma che a molti ha dato fastidio. Pochi colpi di scena, finale non soddisfacente. Sotto il lato tecnico devo dire che l'ottimizzazione è buona, audio e musiche generalmente buoni, gameplay che cerca di mantenere una formula già trita e ritrita, modificandone alcuni aspetti. Grafica davvero soddisfacente, che fa però troppo ausilio di filmati pre-renderizzati noiosi e ripetitivi. Sotto il lato multiplayer posso dirmi pienamente soddisfatto, mi ha occupato per ben 30 ore con gadget, armi e personaggi nuovi, veriegati ed originali. Soltanto in questo ultimo periodo ho incontrato cheater, davvero fastidiosi, specialmente nei death match.
Game too revolutionary, which distorts (positively) a series of video games based on modern and not so futuristic fights. We can define COD IW as the longest step of the leg, which often "dirties" the formula of the game. Speaking of history I can say that it is made up of fewer missions than other CODs, but these are intense, long and you often have the freedom to choose which one to do first and which ones to overlook. The fact of being able to choose which planet to go first (because yes, the game is mainly set in space) to carry the story forward is something that particularly intrigues me, but that has bothered many. Few twists, unsatisfactory ending. On the technical side, I must say that the optimization is good, generally good audio and music, gameplay that tries to maintain an already trite formula, modifying some aspects. Really satisfying graphics, but it makes too much use of boring and repetitive pre-rendered movies. Under the multiplayer side I can say I am fully satisfied, he occupied me for 30 hours with new, veriegated and original gadgets, weapons and characters. Only recently have I met cheaters, really annoying, especially in death matches.
COD MWR: Il ritorno di un gigante, impeccabile, divertente e coinvolgente. Una rimasterizzazione coi fiocchi che ridà importanza a un gioco già di per se meraviglioso. Ottimizzazione ottima, FPS stabili anche su schede video e processori vecchi. Gran bel lavoro.
The return of a giant, flawless, fun and engaging. A slap-up remastering that gives importance to a game that is already wonderful in itself. Excellent optimization, stable FPS even on old video cards and processors. Good job.
COD IW: Gioco fin troppo rivoluzionario, che stravolge (in positivo) una serie di videogiochi basata su combattimenti moderni e non così futuristici. Possiamo definire COD IW come il passo più lungo della gamba, che spesso "sporca" la formula del gioco. Parlando della storia posso dire che è costituita da meno missioni rispetto agli altri COD, ma queste sono intense, lunghe e si ha spesso la libertà di scegliere quale fare e prima e quali trascurare. Il fatto di poter scegliere su che pianeta andare per primo (perchè si, il gioco è principalmente ambientato nello spazio) per portare avanti la storia è una cosa che mi intriga particolarmente, ma che a molti ha dato fastidio. Pochi colpi di scena, finale non soddisfacente. Sotto il lato tecnico devo dire che l'ottimizzazione è buona, audio e musiche generalmente buoni, gameplay che cerca di mantenere una formula già trita e ritrita, modificandone alcuni aspetti. Grafica davvero soddisfacente, che fa però troppo ausilio di filmati pre-renderizzati noiosi e ripetitivi. Sotto il lato multiplayer posso dirmi pienamente soddisfatto, mi ha occupato per ben 30 ore con gadget, armi e personaggi nuovi, veriegati ed originali. Soltanto in questo ultimo periodo ho incontrato cheater, davvero fastidiosi, specialmente nei death match.
Game too revolutionary, which distorts (positively) a series of video games based on modern and not so futuristic fights. We can define COD IW as the longest step of the leg, which often "dirties" the formula of the game. Speaking of history I can say that it is made up of fewer missions than other CODs, but these are intense, long and you often have the freedom to choose which one to do first and which ones to overlook. The fact of being able to choose which planet to go first (because yes, the game is mainly set in space) to carry the story forward is something that particularly intrigues me, but that has bothered many. Few twists, unsatisfactory ending. On the technical side, I must say that the optimization is good, generally good audio and music, gameplay that tries to maintain an already trite formula, modifying some aspects. Really satisfying graphics, but it makes too much use of boring and repetitive pre-rendered movies. Under the multiplayer side I can say I am fully satisfied, he occupied me for 30 hours with new, veriegated and original gadgets, weapons and characters. Only recently have I met cheaters, really annoying, especially in death matches.
good package
good optimization
two games too different to be selled together
Individually, it's a good game. The biggest problem this game had at launch was being the THIRD futuristic CoD game IN A ROW, after Advanced Warfare and Black Ops III, and even worse: It was too futuristic as well.
Campaingn (plot).
Loot boxes AND DLCs, for a AAA (NOT FREE TO-PLAY) game.
Zombies instead of Survival mode.
No custom emblems.
Basically the same MP.
"call of duty mw" was why i got this edition but it not all that feels like they cut to many corners with the detail and gamplay at times very dissented as for the other game the online is shocking bad it feels like playing titanfall with out a titan gameplay in single player its so bad i had to stop playing cut seen all the time and rubbish AI.
Activision can do better than this game no worth even 5 euros the singleplayer was the only good thing but the multiplayer and zombies are trash doesn't even let me play in multiplayer lobbies neither against bots it's a complete joke
can't play multiplayer
neither against bots or zombies even at single player mode
Una campagna "buona" anche se è un corridoio dove devi sparare alle paperelle. Carine alcune meccaniche quali l'hacking dei robot e la granata antigravitazionale. Se si trova a meno di 10 euro è buono in quanto contiene anche il remake di cod 4 (unico motivo per cui lo comprai, altrimenti non vale un centesimo)
Remake di COD4
Multiplayer morto
Ogni COD è la stessa solfa
a nice game. Not the best game of the saga but perfect for passing time with something not too demanding, with a fun and pretty long campaign and nice charachters and mission.
but stay away from the multuplayer.
never repetitive missions
dead multiplayer
Everybody hates this game because of its multiplayer being too futuristic. I think that people dont like it because its something new, and new things scare people off or trtigger them (dk why). For me the game is just another look ad BO3 and I like it.
Campaign, graphics, fell of the game
Fell of the game
New futuristic twist
A bit too futuristic but not to be bad in any way
The controls are really fluid and the gameplay is really nice, however, the story is really short and the plot was not as great as call of duty modern warfare series, but overall it is fun to play. Multiplayer is alright, but is not as good as Black ops 3.
Fluid gameplay and good controls
Plot is weak
Multiplayer not so great
It is very cheap currently so it is worth the price. The multiplayer is basically dead and not that good, but the campaign and zombies are actually quite good. If you are a fan of Call of Duty and don't necessarily need multiplayer i'd say go for it. I enjoyed the campaign and playing against bots in mp is not bad.
Good campaign
Zombies is decent
Multiplayer against bots is ok
Gunplay is good
Multiplayer is dead
Guns aren't that great
Exo suits
Still love to play COD even its going on a different way. Happy to have this on my collection to as i have played a fev times during the free weekends , and now it was time for me simply to catch this one too.
Smooth Game Feel
Missing Split Screen option
No Server Browser
Bought this game to play Modern Warfare Remastered, I had my fun though it's too bad they made paid DLC for it, the game population is still kinda good but not as high as you'd like it but Infinite Warfare is a piece of Junk not worth your money, don't buy this bundle for Infinite Warfare...
Modern Warfare Remastered
Infinite Warfare
Paid DLC for Modern Warfare Remastered
Mel jsem trochu strach po p?edchozích dílech, ale musím uznat ?e to má dobrou hratelnost. Po dlouhé době se jim to docela povedlo a vypadá to ?e to dohraji do konce. A kdy? to p?estane bavit tak se m??ete vy?ádit se Zombies .
cca 90GB
After a lot of gaming in Infinity Warfare, is the game still bad.
There is too much lagg. The new maps are already a month on PS4 but still not on PC..
Hope WWII is getting a lot better are the serie COD is dying.
bad updates
update take to long (Preloading Schaders)
es ist halt cod da kann man sich so oder drüber streiten ob es nun gut oder schlecht war remasterd cod4 ist gut der mp war leider schnell verhakt auf denn pc aber nun ja was willst du gegen tuhen & iW ist erst nach ein paar Updates richtig gut geworden auch wenn es sehr an bo3 erinnert ist es trd ein gutes cod finde ich
Good game. Was my favort FPS
If you like it that old version.
Just buy it.. Just buy it.. Just buy it.. Just buy it.. Just buy it.. Just buy it.. Just buy it.. Just buy it..Just buy it..Just buy it..
Nice 3D
The usual CoD. If you´ve liked the previous installments, you´ll like this one as well. I feel the previous one was better though: plot was more cohesive and it had Kevin Spacey. Plot with this one is silly as hell. Complete waste of Kit Harrington.
Guaranteed CoD
Visually impressive
Flawless controls
Slightly repetitive
Silly plot
What a waste of Kit Harrington
Very good game, don't know why people talk only s*** about it. MP match finds in ~ 1min.
The campain is awesome. If you're a lover of futuristic shooter games ,than you should definitely buy it. :) :) :)
SP campain
Really good games, just bugs me that they keep making supply drops a part of cod. But still really good games, just the multiplayer of mwr is really poorly optimized. Awsome Graphics, everything except mwr multiplayer runs on smooth 80fps and looks great. I personally really dislike the future setting but i still bought it because i had faith in it and, it was worth it!
good gameplay
great story
good zombies
great graphics
supply drops
mwr multiplayer lagging
no anti-cheat as of yet
no custom emblems as of yet
future setting
bad game infinite warfare,smal good remastered cod,bad game infinite warfare,smal good remastered cod,bad game infinite warfare,smal good remastered cod,bad game infinite warfare,smal good remastered cod,
smal good remastered cod
bad game infinite warfare
Das Spiel ist an sich sehr gut nur das die Server beim CoD Remastered sehr laggen!
Infinite Warfare ist meiner meinung zu schnell und ähnelt viel zu sehr an Star Wars :/
Hoffe das es sich im nächsten CoD ändert :)
Remastered is very good
Very good Graphics
To much technology
bad Server
Terrible, just terrible. This is without a doubt the single worst caal of duty in it's history. And it also contains micro transactions making it pay to win. If you're looking for a good and fun shooter, steer very clear of this one.
Also the playerbase is split between the people who bought on steam and those with a physical copy or windows store copy. The modeern warfare remastered isn't worth it either as twice as mlany people are playing the original. Also no anti cheat or dedicated servers.
singleplayer sorta ok
no anti cheat
horrible multiplayer
sluggish gameplay
pay to win
split playerbase
Don't buy it please. Just save your money. I knew it would be bad, but no this bad.
Don't get me wrong, the campaign was worth it. But still not worth 50 euros. Both the multiplayer and unfortunately even zombies is a complete joke.
On the other hand, (the main reason why I bought this in the first place), MW Remastered servers are horrible. I've had it for 2 days, and i've had a total of 2 proper full games. The rest either lagged out, or I lost connection to servers for an hour or more so I gave up and played something else...
Please, save your money, buy milk instead. It's less of a disappointment than this I 100% guarantee it.
Remember Harambe died for our sins, now that he's looking over us, use his guidance to resist buying this game for MW Remastered.
Everything else
call of duty codmw was why i got this edition but it not all that feels like they cut to many corners with the detail and gamplay at times very dissented as for the other game the online is shocking bad it feels like playing titanfall with out a titan gampaly in single player its so bad i had to stop playing cut seen all the time and rubbish ai
to many to list
I can't even play it since release date, game is freezing when choosing campaign, multiplayer or zombie.My specs meets the requirments and i have tryed everything from uninstalling to clean boot pc nothing works is that where i pay for ??
The game is good overall (way better than Advanced Warfare and Ghost combined).
I enjoy the COD games 'cause it's very fast passed and really fun with friends :D
The refreshed zombie mode is fun and not very welcoming to new players (thanks to tutorials) but the open lobby's are always empty .. so you'll be having a hard time finding people to play with, that my only complaint about the game :/
its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,its ok but slightly overpriced,
good remastered version
capped to 90 fps
Awesome game i liked that they did it about the future and the things of space its just crazy, i liked it so much also the zombies and the cod remastered its sooo damn worth, 16 maps in the remaster :PPP
New maps, weapons, types of soldiers
Best reviews
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Game bought on IG
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