Become an elite spec ops soldier known as a Ghost, tasked with a special mission to Auroa. The remote archipelago somewhere in the South Pacific has lost contact with outside world due to Skell Technology turning hostile. The Wolves, a rogue spec ops team, lead by your ex-brother in arms, have taken over and are hunting you down. Lead your team through the island landscape and save the civilians without being noticed.
Taylor your experience to fit your playstyle:
- Solo, as the leader of up ...
Become an elite spec ops soldier known as a Ghost, tasked with a special mission to Auroa. The remote archipelago somewhere in the South Pacific has lost contact with outside world due to Skell Technology turning hostile. The Wolves, a rogue spec ops team, lead by your ex-brother in arms, have taken over and are hunting you down. Lead your team through the island landscape and save the civilians without being noticed.
Taylor your experience to fit your playstyle:
- Solo, as the leader of up 3 fully customizable AI Teammates
- Or, play in coop PVE with up to 3 friends
Includes Infiltration Pack, containing:
- Metal Bee
- Charlie Tactical Gear Bundle
- TAC 50 Brown
- Mk14 Assault Brown
- ASR and SNR Mk I & Mk 2 Upgrades
This game is really nice. Playing with friends the story and also some PvP is banger.
The open world map is also gg wp, you cant finish game so fast and you'll need to grind. So the grind factor is really stonks :)
Nice story
Great game, have been playing a lot and thats one of the best ones ever. Great value and great content, realistic gameplay and amazing graphics. Perfectly working multiplayer makes playing with friends such a great experience
Igra ima nekih bagova, zna se dogoditi da zapnem negdje u stijeni i ne mogu se pomaknuti, rijetko se znaju dogoditi i neki vizualni bagovi (teleportacija protivnika). Navedeno mi se doga?alo samo prilikom igranja story moda u multiplayeru, mogu?e je da zbog razli?itih postavki kod mene i drugih igra?a! U singleplayeru nisam to do?ivio. Osim toga sve ostalo u igri je fenomenalno, igra je apsolutno za preporuku. Ako imate sa kim igrati itekako je zanimljiva igra, ima jako puno misija i treba se dosta igrati da bi se igra završila.
AI / NPC pona?anje
Koli?ina misija
Bagovi (nisu ?esti)
Breakpoint is a nice game to play when you´re bored. It´s fun to play with friends and the story is good writen, in my opinion. Ihave been playing a lot and thats one of the best ones ever. Great value and great content, realistic gameplay and amazing graphics. Perfectly working multiplayer makes playing with friends such a great experience.The open world map is big, you cant finish game so fast and you'll need to grind
good graphic
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Ultimate edit. I played the Wildlands which I am a huge fan and I think it is better than Breakpoint.
But Breakpoint has its own beauty and game experience.
I totally recommend it if you want a stealthy, tactical and immersive gaming experience.
Lastly got it best price on the market and in 3! seconds received the activation key in my account! An absolute recommendation!
The graphics are looking very nice and the weapons customization lets you freely upgrade/change/paint almost everything
The voices of the enemies on the radio or on foot or the patrols that pasing buy keep saying the same stuff all the time
which is annoying. They made a good game with very limited dialogs.
it's too good so many missions huge map you can play with friends I really recommend it to everyone then at these prices bad it goes keep it in the bookstore but try it :) ..............................
Not good graphics and good mession without story.
without story
Great game, isn't really replayable but it's good. Coop is very fun and the friend pass feature allows you to play with a friend who doesn't own the game for an unlimited amount of time as long as he plays with you or someone who owns the game.
Minor bugs
So far I'm liking it, there's some new mechanics that are slightly confusing but everything else is good.
Nice graphics
Decent UI
Good gameplay
Killed off 1/2 of the previous characters
Different quests available at the same time
Can't configure video settings before getting into the gameplay
Recent reviews
Amazing game. I'm very happy!
Damn what a bad game! Never played a crap like this. Wildlands ia great, but this shit with massiv informations and tryhards to understand.
At least is it so anoying, fighting vs robots that a lvl 200 and even rocket launcher just do an damage of 2hp
It's just Wildlands in worse. The basic gameplay feels slow, sluggish and straight up boring
Ghost Recon Brakepoint is my favourite tactice Game. I play Ghost Recon Wildland with was boring without friends but in this Game have better solo expireins.
Great coop gameplay
To much campains
The game is alright solo, but even after so many years of release no cross platform support. Kinda ruined it for me and my friends on Xbox
It’s alright to play solo
Realism settings are cool
The gameplay is fun
No cross-platform coop
It’s still really slow and has a lot of loading screens
There are still a lot of bugs
Love playing this game with my mates and playing stealthily and realisticly
Overall a fun game to play any way that you want
Wildlands is a much better game option to enjoy the game. And the graphics seem better in some segments in Wildlans. I'm totally disappointed, the game is too slow, you spend a lot of time on irrelevant things. This game looks to me like they were ordered to make a game where you have to spend a lot of time, so the missions were made accordingly. Game optimization very bad. If you don't plan to spend at least 200-300 hours, don't spend money on this game
setting in the menu
waste of time
The game is very good, graphics are awesome, with shoot mehanics too. Don't listen to these fanboys who got disappointed because the game is not made by the god himself. I recommend this game for everyone who loves shooter/stealth/running/openworld.
Wanna have fun playing a tactical game? Get Ghost Recon Wildlands, don't waste your money on this, ubisoft took a crap and called it a game. I do not understand what they were thinking of when they made this game, even the story isn't that interesting the last one was 100x better.
Literally NONE.
Bad Graphics
No Funny, Interesting Voicelines
A downgrade from the last game.
Thanks love u guys !! Fast and secure as always The game is very good, graphics are awesome, with shoot mehanics too. Don't listen to these fanboys who got disappointed because the game is not made by the god himself. I recommend this game for everyone who loves shooter/stealth/running/openworld.
fast and secure
Great gunplay, fun missions, co op is amazing. Optimization is ok, visuals are amazing, also the weapon modification is really fun. The location is a bit dark and dull compared to Wildlands but you can clearly see the improvement here. Btw the game feels like an open world Splinter Cell game heh. All in all, a wonderful game!
Very badly optimized game. Tried playing this on a mid range setup and I can't reach 60 fps even when all the settings are set to lowest, at 720p and 80% render resolution.
If you are running a low to mid range machine don't buy this game.
Bad optimization
Not much changed since Wildlands
Lack of new features
Very good and worth your money. So many updates since launch and Ubisoft have made the game so much better. The gun play is excellent and the gear level is a great touch. Not much gun customization but its still good for casual gamers. I haven't ran into any bugs with my play through yet but there are reports of some still out there.
New gear level system
Great gunplay
Good story
Can be a bit confusing at the start
Bit of a grind
Ovo je odlicna igra i odlicna grafika! Do sada nisam imao priliku igrati ovako dobru igru sa ovako dobrom grafikom. Nadam se da ce i u buducnosti Tom Cancy praviti ovakve igre kao sto je ova, i da kazem da su dodatci u igri fantasticni!
Dobra grafika
One of the best games Ubisoft ever made. Tom Clancy's games never disappoint. Hard to choose which Ghost Recon game is the best. Both Wildlands and Breakpoint are worth money. Had a really good time playing it.
Character making
Awesome game actually good graphics for low end system i run it on a ryzen 2600 and nvidia ge force gtx 1660 and it runs 60 fps on high settings good and smoothly!!Recommend it with 100% try it and see!
I think this game is amazing. You can have a lot of fun with your friends and other people. The online part is really fun, and the map is really cool with being so big as it is. I like the weapons and that stuff.
1st person while aming.
Good quality,
A little lag
this game is awesome. Thanks IG!! :))
I just need to buy it ;)
I wanted thi sgame for so loong and finaly i found a perfect price for my liking's.
I don't know what to say now sooo have a great day guy's.
nice one
Anything to do with Instant-Gaming is outstanding work. The game itself, I am slowly starting to regret buying it. The glitchiest game ever. How is this still a thing in 2020 ? How ? Well, if you want to see NPC's/enemies struggling to walk, go in circles, you get shot trough walls and mountains, struggle to enter a vehicle, slow motion movement of your character, having the possibility of flip a car upside down and not be able to turn it back on wheels, etc. Buy this game. It seems obvious that this game was rushed and that they worked a lot more on the customizations than the mechanics and basics of this game.
Nice views, decent graphics and that's about it.
Voting this the glitchiest game in 2020. It's ridiculous.
The game is very good, graphics are awesome, with shoot mehanics too. Don't listen to these fanboys who got disappointed because the game is not made by the god himself. I recommend this game for everyone who loves shooter/stealth/running/openworld.
Best reviews
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Game bought on IG
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