Hidden in the towering Himalayas lies Kyrat, a country steeped in tradition and violence. You are Ajay Ghale. Traveling to Kyrat to fulfill your mother’s dying wish, you find yourself caught up in a civil war to overthrow the oppressive regime of dictator Pagan Min. Explore and navigate this vast open world, where danger and unpredictability lurk around every corner. Here, every decision counts, and every second is a story. Welcome to Kyrat.
Key Features
Hidden in the towering Himalayas lies Kyrat, a country steeped in tradition and violence. You are Ajay Ghale. Traveling to Kyrat to fulfill your mother’s dying wish, you find yourself caught up in a civil war to overthrow the oppressive regime of dictator Pagan Min. Explore and navigate this vast open world, where danger and unpredictability lurk around every corner. Here, every decision counts, and every second is a story. Welcome to Kyrat.
Key Features
Discover the most diverse Far Cry world ever created. With terrain spanning from lush forests to the snowcapped Himalayas, the entire world is alive…and deadly.
- From leopards, rhinos, black eagles, and vicious honey badgers, Kyrat is home to abundant wildlife. As you embark on your hunt for resources, know that something may be hunting you...
- Scout enemy territory from above in the all-new gyrocopter and then plummet back to earth in your wing suit. Climb aboard the back of a six-ton elephant and unleash its raw power on your enemies.
- Choose the right weapon for the job, no matter how insane or unpredictable that job might be. With a diverse arsenal, you’ll be prepared for anything.
Not every journey should be taken alone. Far Cry 4 allows for a second player to drop in and drop out at any point, re-imagining the cooperative experience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You’ll now be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrat together.
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5-750 or 3.2 GHz AMD Phenom II X4 955
Additional Notes: Supported video cards at the time of release: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or better, GeForce GTX 700 series; AMD Radeon HD5850 or better, Radeon R9 series. Note: Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT officially supported.
Hvis du kunne lide Far Cry 3, s? er dette spil noget for dig. Far Cry 4 minder meget om Far Cry 3. Spillet her har taget alt hvad der fungerede og som vi elskede i Far Cry 3 og opgraderet det.
Vi har det samme gode gamplay som i 3'eren med massere at lave- her kommer man n?ppe til at kede sig. Her er meget at komme efter, du kan jage dyr med form?let at crafte dit udstyr ligesom i 3'eren. Der er ogs? de forskellige camps med fjender i som man skal overtage helt ligesom vi kender det fra 3'eren. Atmosf?ren i spillet er ogs? rigtig god, og man f?ler sig virkelig sej n?r man helt ubem?rket nakker en hel camp ene mand med en bue. Personligt syntes jeg det kl?der spillet med en ny location, da jeg finder den nye location oppe i bjergene mere interessant.
Hvorfor skal man s? k?be dette spil, du siger jo det minder meget om 3'eren?.
Dette spil skal man k?be hvis man elsker et openworld skydespil i sin bedste udspilning. Verden er k?mpe stor, og alt fungere perfekt. Man kan ikke n?vne dette spil uden at n?vne 3'eren da det er n?rmest er 2 sider af samme m?nt. Det skal dog siges at dette er spillet hvor Ubisoft har ramt helt korrekt. Spillet her er uden tvivl bedre end 3'eren og giver dig ekstrem meget underholdning for dine penge. Jeg giver det 4 ud af 5 stjerner.
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